Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever."

The above quote is so true. It's so easy to get caught in the here and now that we don't see the days passing until it's too late. I truly believe that if you are in tune you know something is going to happen in your life before it does ... the good and the bad. I know I for one know that there will be a death somewhere in the family days before we get the call. It's hard to explain what it is or how I feel it's just simply that I feel .... off. It doesn't happen all the time and I definitely can't explain it but when it does it's THE most awful feeling in the world. I also believe that some people can get that feeling before they themselves die. Cindy started calling people she hadn't talked to in forever last week days before she died. Those that she called say it was almost like she was saying goodbye. Coincidence or ... more? I don't think we are meant to know the answers to that question. The balance of life and death is far to complicated for the human brain to understand. Funerals are both the worst and best places. You gather and at first you cry and mourn feeling slight embarassed to lose it in front of a room of people. But then the most amazing thing happens. People who haven't met join together and share stories about the deceased. You get to know truly how much your loved one meant to others ... how much they made an impact and THAT is truly special. Don't fight with others especially the ones you love. Today might be their last.

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